The Prioress’s Tale

For a possible quiz on this reading be prepared to answer either question 5 or question 6 (your choice).


1.  What do you make of the tale’s setting in Asia (the middle east)?  Does it make a difference to the rest of the tale?  To the representations of Jews and Christians?

2.  How are Jews represented?  Christians?  What are their differences and similarities?

3.  Look at the Prioress’s opening Prologue.  How does she portray herself? What are the affinities between the Prioress in GP and her Prologue and the little clergeon?

4.  How does the maternal function in this tale?  What are mothers like? 

5.  What kind of imagery do you find in this tale?  Do you see patterns?  How does imagery relate to theme?

6.  How does this reading relate to the theoretical and biblical readings that have just read?  Do you see biblical resonance in this tale?